Chamet Agency
Regardless of whether you are a WOMAN or a MAN and in which country you are located, you can create your own agency in the CHAMET app and in this way achieve:
- Have an agency dashboard to view your streamers' and your agency's analytics from the web.
- Invite women to work as Chamet Streamers making video calls and live broadcasts from their cell phones.
- Invite new sub-agencies
- Stay up to date with Chamet news and updates.
- Earn a commission or percentage of what your group of streamers generates in the app.
- Guide your streamers through the registration process, app operation, support, and more.
As an agency, it offers benefits and good support to your group of Streamers, teamwork leads to success!!
How are the payments?
Payments for agencies are daily and are not cumulative. The minimum amount to request your payment is 40 USD (dollars) for Venezuela and Honduras, and 10 USD (dollars) for the rest of the countries.
The transaction takes 1 to 5 business days depending on your payment method associated with your Metwallet account (if you do not have one, the option to register one appears in the panel)
Note: Avoid choosing NEQUI bank as a payment method in Metwallet, as it is presenting problems in receiving dollars.
How to create my Agency?
Para crear Agencia en CHAMET, lo único que debes hacer es seguir con los siguientes pasos y avisarnos al wsp +573222869927 qie has creado agencia en Chamet cuando termines para explicarte su manejo:
1. ​Debes ingresar los siguientes datos:
- Username: es el cómo se llamará tu agencia.
- Password: crea una contraseña válida.
- Re-enter password: vuelve a ingresar la contraseña creada.
- Agency name: ingresa nuevamente el nombre d etu agencia.
- Phone number: debes escoger tu pais y escribir tu núm de celular.
Oprime el boton SEND o ENVIAR
- Enter verification Code: digita el código que llego al celular que registraste.
Oprime el boton BIND ó UNIR.
Todo lo anterior lo vas a registrar AQUI.
2. Con el nombre de tu Agencia y contraseña creada vas a Iniciar Sesión en tu panel de agencia AQUÍ.
3. Una vez terminado el registro de tu Agencia, debes avisar por whatsapp al +573222869927 proporcionando tu nombre de agencia y ID de agencia para comprobar si su registro fue exitoso.​